A downloadable adventure

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Here you are, shipwrecked and washed ashore on a cold, grey foreign beach on the northern side of the Pontus Euxinus. If you’d landed just a little further south, or a little further north, you’d be safe in Roman territory in Moesia Inferior. But no. 

Beyond this windswept beach, the plains stretch inland. Barbarians like the Sarmatae, Bastarnae, who knows what’s out there? Whatever lies that way, though, it’s the only way home.  

This adventure is designed for use with Stay Frosty and its Roman-legionaries supplement VIGILATE

Your PCs are members of the Legio XI Claudia, or people connected with it, stationed at Durostorum in Moesia (parts of modern Ukraine, Romania, etc.). 

When your ship sinks in the Euxine (Black) Sea, you find yourselves on the shores of a barbarian land.  

The Revenger awaits, roaming the hinterland. An invisible spirit summoned by a dying sorcerer to avenge his tribe.  It is out of control, killing even the tribespeople when it happens upon them. 

Can you stop the Revenger from extending its murderous rampage even further? Can you even escape it? 

Thanks for playtesting and feedback to: Alex, Bloop, Brian, Carolina, Dominic, Paul, Tore


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